About Enso
Japanese-style daycare philosophy is deeply rooted in the principles of respect, harmony, and holistic development. It encourages children to develop a sense of responsibility, respect, and teamwork. It is important for us to work in a positive environment where we trust each other and have a sense of security. Japanese-style daycare aims to foster a strong foundation for children’s future success.
What's Enso?
The name "Enso" carries profound significance rooted in Japanese calligraphy.
Enso, a Japanese term, represents a unique circle crafted often in a single brushstroke, encompassing both open and closed forms. Executed in a single breath, it embodies a central role in Zen Buddhism and Japanese calligraphy. Beyond its seemingly simple form, the enso encapsulates multifold meanings – enlightenment, fortitude, grace, and the interwoven essence of the universe.
Our choice of the "Open Enso" as our emblem is intentional. It mirrors an open and liberating ambiance. With this, we aspire to foster an environment of honesty and freedom for children to flourish. Just as each enso is distinct, our daycare embraces the individuality of every child, inviting them to journey with us in a circle of growth and self-discovery.